Volume 7.2
Essays On Spiritual Formation
Fall 2020

Questions surrounding technology and human formation are of pressing interest to a wide range of religious and secular thinkers. In examining them, there is a legitimate place for a ‘secular’ orientation to the natural ends of human persons. But for pastors and theologians, the questions and answers must take their rise in consideration of the Triune God, and of his outer works of creating, sustaining, judging, reconciling and perfecting creatures for fellowship with him. The essays in this seventh volume of the Bulletin of Ecclesial Theology are drawn from the quarterly gatherings of the Center for Pastor Theologians’ Ecclesial Theologian Fellowships. These meeting brought together clergy from various denominational backgrounds within the evangelical Christian tradition to explore questions related to technology, theology, the church and human formation.

Volume 7.1
Essays On Spiritual Formation
Spring 2020

Questions surrounding technology and human formation are of pressing interest to a wide range of religious and secular thinkers. In examining them, there is a legitimate place for a ‘secular’ orientation to the natural ends of human persons. But for pastors and theologians, the questions and answers must take their rise in consideration of the Triune God, and of his outer works of creating, sustaining, judging, reconciling and perfecting creatures for fellowship with him. The essays in this seventh volume of the Bulletin of Ecclesial Theology are drawn from the quarterly gatherings of the Center for Pastor Theologians’ Ecclesial Theologian Fellowships. These meeting brought together clergy from various denominational backgrounds within the evangelical Christian tradition to explore questions related to technology, theology, the church and human formation.