Sharing a passion for theology

The CPT hosts gatherings of local pastors who meet quarterly to discuss the vision of the pastor theologian, and especially its implications for their specific ministries and communities. Facilitated by our CPT Fellows, these groups have no formal education requirement, but rather call for a passionate commitment to thinking theologically, reading reflectively, and building relationships that serve to mutually encourage each pastor in his or her ministry setting.

We currently have Local Theologian Fellowships meeting in Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, Washington DC, and Wisconsin, and look forward to the opportunity to start more LTFs in the near future.

For those seeking a new Local Theologian Fellowship in his or her area, or for those interested in joining an existing group, please complete the LTF Interest Form, below. For general questions regarding Local Theologian Fellowships, please contact Zachary Wagner.