Life Is Hard, Be Humble: Thomas Aquinas on Humility

CPTJ Archive | Volume 11 – Essays on Humility

Life Is Hard, Be Humble: Thomas Aquinas on Humility

Nathan Barczi


The care of souls requires precision in diagnosing vice and encouraging virtue. Nathan Barczi turns to Thomas Aquinas’s discussion of the theological virtues in the Second Part of the Second Part of the Summa Theologica, arguing that his treatment of humility, enhances the capacity of Pastor Theologians to accurately diagnose the deformities of the human soul that pertain to humility, thus strengthening Pastor Theologians in the practice of the art of soul care. Barczi guides readers through the precise definitions provided by Thomas to clarify what humility is and isn’t with the aim to cut through some of the common misunderstandings of this virtue and generally improve pastoral care.


Nathan Barczi (PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is Associate Director and Senior Theologian at The Octet Collaborative in Cambridge, MA. He is a member of the St. Augustine Fellowship of the Center for Pastor Theologians.