Seeking theological renewal.
For the vitality of the church.
For the good of the world.

Who We Are

The Center for Pastor Theologians serves a network of clergy who share a passion to lead the people of God theologically and to do so from the point of view of orthodox Protestant teaching. We are interdenominational. We agree on the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith and on the Reformation solas, but agree to disagree on things that separate Protestants: church polity, the sacraments, roles for women in ministry, the finer points of predestination, etc. We oppose racism, ethnocentrism, and prejudice in any and all forms. We hold traditional views of sexuality and gender identity and do so with deep love and respect for all people and a commitment to learn from and minister to all. We care about the culture in which we live and sometimes take stands amid political controversies—but do not let them define us. We want to be known for our love of the triune God, the world that he has made, and our desire to make God and his gospel known everywhere, not least in the church.


The Center for Pastor Theologians exists to equip pastors to be theologians for today’s complex world.


Our vision is a renaissance and revitalization of the church in the 21st century. The Church in North America is facing unique challenges and complex cultural pressures. Are we ready and equipped to face these challenges with faithfulness, grace, and love?

The church needs a renewed vision for her life and ministry in the world. She must be rooted in the historic gospel of grace, empowered by the Spirit of God, filled with love and humility.

Strategy & Programming

The Bible repeatedly emphasizes the key role of leaders in the life of God’s people. Each new generation of Christians has faced challenges. Throughout her history, the church’s thought leaders, its theologians, have led through the greatest moments of global crisis.

If the church is going to flourish in the 21st century, she will need ministers equal to this task: men and women who can lead with integrity and wisdom––pastors who are empowered by the Spirit of God, well-trained in interpreting and applying scripture, able to mine the depths of wisdom in the Great Tradition to bring the lessons of our past to bear on the challenges of our future.

This is why we have made it our mission to platform and equip pastors to do the work of theology for the good of the church and the transformation of our culture and our world.

The CPT seeks to accomplish this mission in three primary ways:

  1. Publishing. We regularly share resources on our website, including articles, podcasts, book reviews, sermons, and videos. We also publish a bi-annual, peer-reviewed journal and regularly assist pastors in the writing and publication of books on theology, biblical studies, and church life.

  2. Fellowships. Each year the CPT hosts dozens of pastoral fellowship meetings all over North America. Our fellowships include:

    • Ecclesial Theologian Fellowships: Our flagship fellowship program, consisting of pastors and ministry leaders who have completed PhD-level degrees in theology and biblical studies and are strategically positioned for impactful leadership in the church.

    • Student Theologian Fellowships: Gatherings of men and women training for ministry at colleges and seminaries throughout the country, led by CPT fellows and local faculty who share a vision for the centrality of theological leadership in the church.

    • Local Theologian Fellowships: Quarterly gatherings of pastors serving in the same city, led by a CPT fellow, seeking to equip and encourage one another in theological leadership and ministry.

  3. Annual Conference. Each year the CPT hosts a theology conference for pastors, students, academic scholars, and church leaders. These conferences focus on issues of particular relevance for ministry and Christian witness in today’s complex world.

If you resonate with our mission and vision for the church, would you consider partnering with us financially? You can donate now to support the work of the CPT by clicking the link below.