Sabbath Rest and Release | Jack Franicevich

Sabbath Rest and Release

Jack Franicevich

Jack Franicevich, a parish priest in the Anglican Church of North America, joins the podcast to discuss his book, Sunday: Keeping Christian Time (Athanasius Press, 2023), that focuses on the nature of the Sabbath, what it means in the biblical narrative, and how the social imaginary of Christians might be formed by a deep understanding of the Sabbath. What does the Sabbath mean for rest? For the hope of Christians? For the rebuke of anti-God powers? All this and more on this new episode.

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Jack Franicevich (MST, Nashotah House) is parish priest of Christ Our Hope Valparaiso in Valparaiso, IN. He is the author of Sunday: Keeping Christian Time (Athanasius Press, 2023).