Pastoring in a Post-Roe America

Pastoring in a Post-Roe America

Gerald Hiestand & Karen Swallow Prior

The Supreme Court of the United States has overturned Roe v. Wade. What’s next for our nation and our churches? How do pastors approach ongoing differences of opinion on the decision itself and the means by which it came about? How can pastors commend holistic visions of justice and exhort their congregations toward Christian unity in an increasingly fractured society?

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Gerald Hiestand is the Co-Founder and Board Chair of the Center for Pastor Theologians. He has over 15 years of pastoral ministry experience and currently serves as the Senior Pastor of Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, IL. He is the editor and author/co-author of several books, including The Pastor Theologian: Resurrecting an Ancient Vision. He holds a PhD in Classics from the University of Reading. He is also a founding member of the St. Anselm Fellowship of the CPT.

Karen Swallow Prior is a Professor of English at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. She writes frequently on literature, culture, ethics, and ideas. She is the author of several books, including On Reading Well: Finding the Good Life through Great Literature (Brazos, 2018) and a new series of introductions/editions of literary classics, Guides for Reading and Reflection (B&H Books).