Authority, Leadership, and Power in the Church | Mickey Klink & Joel Lawrence

Authority, Leadership, and Power in the Church

Mickey Klink & Joel Lawrence

PART 1: In Mark 10 Jesus makes a distinction between the way the Gentiles exercise authority and the way the greatest among Jesus' disciples must become servants. How does this passage relate to a Christian concept of authority? CPT fellows Joel Lawrence and Mickey Klink explore this and related questions in light of the current crisis of authority in the evangelical church.

PART 2: What is the connection between Mark 10 and Ephesians 5? How do interpretations of these passages make a similar category error around power and authority? What implications do our reflections on power and the pastorate have for church leadership structures and accountability? What is the appropriate relationship between ecclesiology and missiology? All this and more in this episode as we continue our conversation with CPT fellows Joel Lawrence and Mickey Klink.

This resource is part of the series Not So With You: Reflections on Power, the Pastorate, and Life in the Church. Click here to explore more resources from this series.


Mickey Klink is the Senior Pastor of Hope Evangelical Free Church in Roscoe, IL. He previously served for nearly a decade of teaching at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University in southern California. He is the author of several books on a range of topics including biblical theology, the Gospel of John, and the church. He holds a PhD in New Testament from the University of St. Andrews and is a member of the St. John Fellowship of the Center for Pastor Theologians.


Joel Lawrence is the Executive Director of the Center for Pastor Theologians. He previously served as the Senior Pastor of Central Baptist Church in St. Paul, MN and as a Professor of Theology at Bethel Seminary. He holds a PhD in Systematic Theology from the University of Cambridge. He is a member of the St. Anselm Fellowship of the Center for Pastor Theologians.

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