Rehearsing the Story of Redemption | Paul van der Bijl

Rehearsing the Story of Redemption

Paul van der Bijl


Is there a liturgical renewal movement in low-church evangelicalism? How can pastors and worship ministers rehearse the story of redemption through the liturgy of worship every week? How can we view music and preaching not as separate parts of the worship service, but as synchronized ways of embedding the gospel in our hearts? Listen now to our interview with Paul van der Bijl, Director of Worship and Music at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Chicago.


Paul van der Bijl was born and raised in West Papua, New Guinea as the child of missionaries. He serves as the Director of Worship & Music at Covenant Presbyterian Church of Chicago. He has a degree from the Moody Bible Institute and completed a Masters in Worship Studies from the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies in 2020. Paul has helped lead musical worship as part of the Chicago Liturgists for several years at the CPT theology conference.

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