Work as the Divine Curse: Toil and Grace East of Eden

BET Archive | Volume 2 – Essays on Work, Wealth, and Economics

Work as the Divine Curse: Toil and Grace East of Eden

Scott Hafemann

Abstract (from the Editorial of BET vol. 2.1)

Scott Hafemann (Theological Mentor, First CPT Fellowship) challenges the idea that work is part of the original creation mandate. He argues instead that work—defined by Hafemann as the need to provide for one’s own sustenance—is a result of the fall, and that Christ’s redemptive work secures rest for us. This redemptive rest ultimately brings about the end of human work.


Scott Hafemann is a Reader in New Testament at St. Mary's College at the University of St. Andrews. His research and teaching emphases include the apostles Paul and Peter, New Testament use of the Old Testament, and Marks' Gospel. Dr. Hafemann is the theological mentor for the Saint Anselm Fellowship of the Center For Pastor Theologians.