Confessing Christ with the Aqedah

BET Archive | Volume 8 - Essays on Forgiveness

Confessing Christ with the Aqedah

Michael LeFebvre

Abstract (from the Editorial of BET vol. 8.2)

Michael LeFebvre offers a close study of Abraham’s binding of Isaac as a foreshadowing of the cross, demonstrating how the ritualistic aspects of Abraham’s obedience to the command of God draws out the parallel between the stories more clearly. Through this, LeFebvre demonstrates the “foundational pattern of sacrifice,” i.e, the liturgy, that will recur throughout Israel’s history and culminate in the sacrifice of Christ at Golgotha. LeFebvre’s careful atten- tion to the pattern invites us to see more clearly the heart of God revealed through the forgiveness of sin provided for us by the Lamb who was slain.


Michael LeFebvre is a presbyterian minister. He holds a PhD in Old Testament from the University of Aberdeen and is a CPT board member and a member of the St. John Fellowship of the Center for Pastor Theologians.