Unity in a Divisive Age | Richard Lints

Unity in a Divisive Age | Richard Lints

Richard Lints joins the podcast to discuss his recent book Uncommon Unity: Wisdom for the Church in an Age of Division (Lexham 2022). Pressing into the given difference that exists, he argues for a deeper unity funded by the inclusion narrative of the gospel. Lints calls for a renewed unity that doesn't march according to the orders of the cultural calls for unity that prevail today. What kind of unity does the gospel achieve? Why do cultural calls for unity so often fail? Where should the church look as it seeks to navigate the exclusion and inclusion narratives of the present day? All this and more on this episode.

The Holy Spirit and the Church | Gregg Allison

The Holy Spirit and the Church | Gregg Allison

Gregg Allison joins the podcast to talk about his journey of faith and ministry and his theological work on the Holy Spirit. He discusses common misperceptions about the Holy Spirit, encouraging believers to think about the Spirit as the greatest gift God gives to his children. In what ways do we make the Spirit the potentiator of our own works? How can we listen to the guidance of the Spirit? What does it mean to preach in step with the Spirit? All this and more on this new episode.

Tim Keller as Public Theologian | Collin Hansen

Tim Keller as Public Theologian | Collin Hansen

Collin Hansen joins the podcast to discuss Tim Keller's legacy as a public theologian and his work in New York City to both a modern and orthodox Christian, engaging the world and seeking the good of the city. We address such questions as the influences on Tim Keller's vision for public engagement, his drawing together of diverse traditions, and what pastors can learn today from his ministry.

Babylon, Politics, and the Church | Preston Sprinkle

Babylon, Politics, and the Church | Preston Sprinkle

Preston Sprinkle joins the podcast to talk about his recent book Exiles: The Church in the Shadow of Empire, to discuss a biblical theology of Christian engagement with politics, and to preview his upcoming contribution to the CPT conference. Why is it so easy to mingle ecclesiology and politics? Why is this a matter for Christian discipleship? What does it mean for the church to be a political identity? What is the posture of "submissive resistance" that might help the church think about its role in the world? All this on more on this new episode!

Engaging the World as Pilgrims | Gayle Doornbos

Engaging the World as Pilgrims | Gayle Doornbos

Gayle Doornbos joins the podcast to talk about her journey of faith, education, and current ministry at Dordt University.  Gayle brings us into conversation with Herman Bavinck and the importance of his work as a theologian who sits patiently with Scripture and the tradition as he works to apply theology to his own day, helping us learn what it means to live before the face of God. We discuss such questions as how might Neo-Calvinism help us navigate present questions of church and state? What does it mean for Christians to engage the world in the mode of pilgrims? How can we retrieve the tradition faithfully? All this and much more on this episode!

Christology and the Jesus of Evangelicalism | Dan Treier

Christology and the Jesus of Evangelicalism | Dan Treier

Dr. Dan Treier, Gunther H. Knoedler Professor of Theology at Wheaton College, joins the podcast to discuss his recent book on Christology, Lord Jesus Christ. In this conversation, we dig into questions of methodology, pastoral theology, and the strengths and weaknesses of evangelical understandings of Jesus. What does faith seeking understanding mean? How can we recover deep, biblical understandings of Jesus as our Lord and Christ? What is "theodramatic ontology"? All this and more on this new episode!

You Shall Not Take His Name in Vain | Josh Stone

You Shall Not Take His Name in Vain | Josh Stone

"In order to understand the third commandment, we have to understand how it relates to the greatest commandment." Josh Stone shares a sermon he recently preached on Exodus 20:7: "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain." He unpacks what it means to take his name in vain, showing that when we relate to God as means to an end, not as an end himself, we use the name of Lord in vain. 

Special Episode: Kingdom Politics | CPT Staff

Special Episode: Kingdom Politics | CPT Staff

Why are is the CPT hosting a conference on Kingdom Politics this September? Joel Lawrence and Zach Wagner preview the 2024 CPT conference, explaining why creating space for intentional conversations about the church and politics fits within the mission of the CPT to equip pastors to be theologians for today's complex world. What will the conference be about? What will it not be about? Why should you plan to attend? All this more on this special episode!

Becoming a Pastor Theologian | Josh Stone

Becoming a Pastor Theologian | Josh Stone

Josh Stone joins the podcast to tell his story of becoming a pastor theologian. He discusses the influence of significant medical diagnoses in his family, his journey of education, his studies in gender, and what it means to be a pastor theologian. Some of the questions we discuss are how does a PhD help serve the pastorate? What are unique challenges and opportunities in multi-site ministry? Why is Cleveland becoming a central location for working out the pastor theologian vision?