Pluralism, Politics, and St. Augustine | Kristen Deede Johnson

Pluralism, Politics, and St. Augustine | Kristen Deede Johnson

For the Summer of 2020, we will be releasing midweek episodes with special focus on theology and politics. How can Christians engage in politics and public witness while remaining faithful to the lordship of Christ? On this first episode we are joined by Kristen Deede Johnson, a professor of theology at Western Theological Seminary. She tells us her story of becoming interested in the intersection between theology and politics––and shares what insight we can gain from St. Augustine with regard to our own political moment.

Extremists for Love | Todd Wilson

Extremists for Love | Todd Wilson

How should Christians think about the over-politicization of our culture? What is the theological significance of this cultural trend? How does the Gospel teach us a counter-narrative to the power politics of our day? On this episode, Todd Wilson shares how pastors and Christians can put politics in its proper place within the good world God created.

I Can't Breathe | Charlie Dates

I Can't Breathe | Charlie Dates

“Such a cry as ‘I can’t breathe’ is not merely anthropological, but it is theological. The problem with White supremacy – killing Black women and Black men in America – is an error of theology. It is a failure of the White mind and the White power structure to remember from where breath really comes.”

On a special episode of the CPT Podcast, we share a sermon given by Rev. Dr. Charlie Dates, Senior Pastor of Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago. This sermon was given on Sunday, May 31, 2020 – in the aftermath of the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Sadness, Anger, and Fear: Responding to the Murder of George Floyd

Sadness, Anger, and Fear: Responding to the Murder of George Floyd

CPT fellow Dr. Eric Redmond joins the podcast to discuss his experience as an African American man, father, and pastor in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. We lament and discuss how it feels to be a black American and a black evangelical at this historical moment. What can pastors, particularly white pastors, do to lead their congregations toward repentance and care for those of African descent in their communities. Dr. Redmond is a professor of New Testament at the Moody Bible Institute and an associate pastor at Calvary Memorial Church in Chicago.

How to Survive in the Wilderness

How to Survive in the Wilderness

How do times of scarcity expose the idolatry of the human heart? What do we learn about ourselves, our vulnerabilities, and our identities during a season of wilderness wandering? CPT fellow Chris Ganski joins the podcast to discuss and share a sermon on surviving in the wilderness. Listen now as Chris notes how God, in Christ, is faithful to sustain us and be present to us during our testing.

Mental Health and Human Connection

Mental Health and Human Connection

How can pastors be attuned to the mental health needs of their congregants? What responsibility does the pastor have to be aware of contemporary psychological research and brain science? What theological resources do we have as Christians for understanding and addressing mental health? We discuss these questions and more in our conversation with CPT fellow Ryan Davidson.

A Big Gospel in Small Places

A Big Gospel in Small Places

We are joined on the podcast by CPT fellow Stephen Witmer, who serves as the Lead Pastor of Pepperell Christian Fellowship in Pepperell, MA. In this episode we discuss Stephen's life story, his call to ministry, and education. We also hear about Stephen's recent book, A Big Gospel in Small Places: Why Ministry in Forgotten Communities Matters.

Pandemic or Plague – Where Is God in Coronavirus?

Pandemic or Plague – Where Is God in Coronavirus?

What is God doing in/with/through this global crisis? In this episode we are joined by CPT fellow Jim Samra, Senior Pastor of Calvary Church in Grand Rapids, MI. We explore difficult and complex questions related to how Christians should think and speak of the activity of God in moments of crisis and suffering. How do we prepare God’s people for suffering and uncertainty? Once the a season of suffering has arrived, what is the pastor’s role in encouraging, supporting, and shepherding the sufferer?