
The pastoral calling too often isolates the pastor-theologian from the network of relationships so crucial to the theological task. Further, the demands and expectations of local church ministry seldom support the scholarly calling. In light of these hurdles, the Center organized our first ecclesial theologians fellowships to provide a select group of pastor-theologians with the motivation, network, and resources necessary for the intellectual task of Christian theological leadership.

Ecclesial Theologian fellows are granted exclusive opportunities and access to our CPT events and network. We consider membership to be a privilege, and members in these fellowships are expected to participate with some regularity in programming, publications, and speaking events.

Today, these fellowships constitute the core of our programing and vision for the transformation and renewal of theology as a discipline for the church. Together, these five groups consist of over 90 members representing roughly 30 Protestant denominational traditions.


View a detailed Fellowship Prospectus here.

Ideal Candidates

Candidates for Ecclesial Theologian Fellowships will be assessed using the following criteria:

  • Vocational Calling: The extent to which the candidate is presently engaged in pastoral/local church ministry, and plans to continue in the same.

  • Theological Calling: The extent to which the candidate views the writing/publication of theological scholarship as a significant ministry calling.

  • Education: The terminal degree of the candidate, and any ongoing degree program.

  • Publishing CV: The extent to which the candidate has an established publishing record in theological scholarship (monographs, chapter contributions, journal articles, etc).

  • Career Stage: The extent to which the candidate is still becoming established in his or her career, and the CPT’s capacity to meaningfully invest in the candidate’s future as an ecclesial theologian.

  • Evangelical Commitments: The extent to which the candidate demonstrates personal commitment to creedal, orthodox Christian belief –– including joyful submission to the Great Tradition and to biblical authority.

  • Social Location: The extent to which the candidate is able to engage as an ecclesial theologian from within minority and underserved communities.

  • Availability: The extent to which the candidate has regular availability to attend annual fellowship symposia, as well as year round vocational space to meaningfully engage in the task of ecclesial theology.

In an effort to increase representation from diverse and minority voices in the evangelical tradition, we especially encourage women and persons of color to apply.

Application Information

  • You will need a Google login to view and complete this application. Please contact rpaul@pastortheologians.com with questions or to request a hard copy application.