Ballots, the Bible, and the Witness of the Church | Kaitlyn Schiess

Ballots, the Bible, and the Witness of the Church

Kaitlyn schiess

Kaitlyn Schiess joins the podcast to talk about her recent book The Ballot and the Bible: How Scripture Has Been Used and Abused in American Politics and Where We Go from Here (Brazos, 2023). She shares her background of education and how she began interacting with the question of the relationship between church and state, Christians and the politics of the world. What makes America a "Bible haunted nation"? Should Christians think of their nation as a "city on a hill"? What gifts can careful readers of Scripture offer to the contemporary political realm? All this on more on this new episode!

This episode sponsored by The After Party.

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Kaitlyn Schiess (PhD candidate, Duke Divinity School) is an author, speaker, and host of the podcast Curiously, Kaitlyn. Her work has appeared at Christianity Today, The New York Times, Christ and Pop Culture, and more. Her published books include The Liturgy of Politics (IVP, 2020) and The Ballot and the Bible (Brazos, 2023).