New Ecclesial Theologian Fellowship – Now Accepting Applications!


We are delighted to announce we are now accepting applications for the 6th Ecclesial Theologian Fellowship (ETF) of the Center for Pastor Theologians.

ETFs have been at the heart of our organization since its founding in 2006. These fellowships provide relational connection, ongoing theological engagement, and interdenominational networks for ministers across evangelical confessions.

Our ETFs meet annually for a three-day fellowship gathering in Oak Park, IL (just outside Chicago), which is supplemented by quarterly meetings for prayer and encouragement via Zoom. Fellows enjoy publishing access to the CPT website, the Bulletin of Ecclesial Theology, and review copies of recently published books. Membership also includes access to the ATLA research database.

Selection Criteria

Candidates for Ecclesial Theologian Fellowships will be assessed using the following criteria:

  • Vocational Calling: The extent to which the candidate is presently engaged in pastoral/local church ministry, and plans to continue in the same.

  • Theological Calling: The extent to which the candidate views the writing/publication of theological scholarship as a significant ministry calling.

  • Education: The terminal degree of the candidate, and any ongoing degree program.

  • Publishing CV: The extent to which the candidate has an established publishing record in theological scholarship (monographs, chapter contributions, journal articles, etc).

  • Age: The extent to which the candidate is still becoming established in his or her career, and the CPT’s capacity to meaningfully invest in the candidate’s future as an ecclesial theologian.

  • Evangelical Commitments: The extent to which the candidate demonstrates personal commitment to creedal, orthodox Christian belief –– including joyful submission to the Great Tradition and to biblical authority.

  • Social Location: The extent to which the candidate is able to engage as an ecclesial theologian from within minority and underserved communities.

  • Availability: The extent to which the candidate has regular availability to attend annual fellowship symposia, as well as year round vocational space to meaningfully engage in the task of ecclesial theology.

Spaces are limited, and we regularly receive more applications than we can accept for membership.


The majority of the cost of membership is covered by the CPT, though fellows are expected contribute a $350 annual membership fee. (This fee can be scholarship in cases of financial need or hardship.)


1 March, 2022: Call for Applications
15 May, 2022: Application Deadline
July 1, 2022: Applicants Notified of Results
July 15, 2022: New Fellowship Members Announced
February 2023: First Symposium of New Fellowship

Diversity Statement

The Center for Pastor Theologians is committed to cultivating fellowships that are representative of the broad spectrum of evangelical faith. For this reason, women and persons of color are especially encouraged to apply.



More information about our Ecclesial Fellowship Program can be found on this page. If you have further questions, please contact our Managing Director, Rae Paul.